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Designer focused on impact in communities.

Gettin’ Creative

March - April, 2020

A Virtual Newsletter sharing stories and perspective on Conquering COVID-19.
Official Golden Quill winner for Best Media, Toastmasters International 2020.

Preview of our redesigned newsletter with my new Toastmasters club.

Send Me Across the Sea

@ Book & Job Gallery, SF . Feb 24-25, 2019

A postcard show with fellow friends and peers in the bay area.


June 26, 2017
Working Hands Print for Donation
For the Women’s Building


How many migrant workers
squeezing cold sweat and diamond tears
must continue down the horizon of hope
before receivinge the fruits of their labor
we promised them?



August 20-25, 2017
Appreciate Our Women, The Women’s Building Appreciation Certificate
Presented in San Francisco Women’s Building



June 12, 2017
Before Mission was Cool Poster


The coolest hoods in San Francisco history was not Mission, but North Beach with its jazz clubs and late night poetry sung on old wood porch steps. Yet in the last 10 years, floods of newcomers rode wave after wave towards the Mission district, attracted by its vibrant murals, the late night cantinas, tall spiraling trees, and a culture that is certainly gentrifying.

On the same streets that shone vibrant symphonies of color and paints for the Latino/Chicano community in the 60s, to the LGBTQ communities that rose in the 80s, the Mission has continued to attract the young middle-class, now seemingly unwelcome in the overcrowded city. Since the dot-com boom in the 90s-2000s however, and presently, tech and cultural aficionados are condensing in the the rent-risen district. Gentrification became a slow trickle that unleashed a long tide of borders, where the new felt unwelcome and the worn felt cornered.

Although rent costs and the housing crisis has generously dotted the Bay Area landscape, we hear little from the people who are affected by it most. In the Mission, it's the Latina families, illegal immigrants, and the poor. Please attend this event to show support for 8 brave Latina women, who despite trials and tribulations, share their stories and hopes for their neighborhood and home.



June 10, 2016
Testing Animation Sequences



May 9, 2017
Warmth Training, Poster & Flyer


Sonja Riket, a Somatic Movement instructor, specializes in body and mind strengthening through physical touch. I met with her to discuss a poster for her upcoming courses at The Women's Building, and although skeptical at first, I was instantly struck by her warmth, gravity of kindness and cheerful personality. Even more enlightening was her Somatic routine. Since somatic places heavy emphasis on touch, she targeted problem areas on my body (joint pain from climbing, and back aches from a creative career). She then guided me through several gentle movements in stretching and relaxing, free-weight and with aid of a medicine ball. Forming good breathing habits to coincide the flexible movements, it was easy to follow and remember for personal practice. The term Somatic itself means "Of, relating to, or affecting the body, especially as distinguished from a body part, the mind, or the environment; corporeal or physical."

Understandably it's a satisfying combination between yoga, physical therapy, and meditation, alongside a terrific and knowledgeable woman.



Free Yoga classes on Mondays and Thursdays!
A new program for The Women's Building,
...did I mention it's free? 
